Some selected publications
Created on May 3, 2024 by
- Jansen, D. et al. (2024) Shear Margins in Upper Half of Northeast Greenland Ice Stream Were Established Two Millennia Ago. Nature Communications 15, No. 1: 1193. Link.
- Zhang, Yu et al. (In Review). Ice Modeling Indicates Formation Mechanisms of Large-scale Folding in Greenland’s Ice Sheet. Geophysical Research Letters. Link.
- Sachau, T., Yang, H., Lang, J., Bons, P. D., und Moresi, L. (2022). ISMIP-HOM Benchmark
Experiments using Underworld. Geoscientific Model Development 15, Nr. 23: 8749–64. Link.
- Sachau, T., Bons, P. D., & Gomez-Rivas, E. (2015). Transport efficiency and dynamics of hydraulic
fracture networks. Frontiers in Physics, 3. Link.
- Sachau, T. and Koehn, D. (2014). A new mixed-mode fracture criterion for large scale lattice models,
Geosci. Model Dev. Discuss., 6, 4327-4343. Link.
- Koehn, D., and Sachau, T. (2013). Two-dimensional numerical modeling of fracturing and shear band
development in glacier fronts. Journal of Structural Geology. Link.
- Sachau, T., & Koehn, D. (2012). “Melange”: A viscoelastic lattice-particle model applicable to the
lithosphere. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 13. Link.
- Sachau, T., Koehn, D., & Passchier, C. (2011). Lattice-particle simulation of stress patterns in a
Rwenzori-type rift transfer zone. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 61(4), 286–295. Link.